The Beasleys are not good at all the things, but we are good at some of the things. In fact, I made a not so comprehensive list. Things we are good at: Grilling meats Drinking wine Exercising Making people (read: ourselves) laugh Things were are bad at: Laundry Being on time Remembering things Potty training humans & also dogs There is one thing that we are really, really good at- The Beasleys can dream some big dreams. And we can also just go for it. I love that about us. We aren’t afraid of falling. We aren’t afraid of failing. I, personally, detest being told no. But after I cry about it and drink wine, I’m find again. Aaron, on the other hand, doesn’t care if you tell him no. He will scoff at you and move on in Aaron Beasley fashion. The absurdity! We take chances and we make risky choices. Our lives have ended up being really, really exciting. Also very chaotic and busy and at times overwhelming. You can be at peace and rest when you’re dead. When...