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Showing posts from June, 2019

What is #adulting anyway?

Well, ladies and gentleman. I made it through my 30th year. I’m now the ripe old age of 31. Thirty taught me a lot. Thirty kicked my tail a little.  Mainly, thirty taught me what “adult” means. I’m not talking about the noun, here. I’m going straight for the verb. We’ve all seen those cute shirts that say “I can’t adult today” or the hashtag #adulting. Y’all, adulting is hard. I didn’t choose the adult life. It chose me. And it is hard. Quite honestly, I can’t do all the adult things. I’ve learned that you have to pick and choose your adult things. To do all of the adult things in the same day would be my worst nightmare. I literally couldn’t leave the house. I probably wouldn’t smile all day long. Take a look at the following. Tell me you can do all of these things. I don’t believe you. Brush your teeth twice a day. Sure, this one is easy. Who doesn’t brush their teeth twice a day? I’ll tell you who didn’t, me in my twenties. My oral hygiene is questionable at best....