30somethings have a surprisingly high tolerance for things that other people seem to hate. Call it 'low standards' and 'no expectations' if you must. I like to think of us as 'go with the flow' and 'breezy.' Really I think it's just survival mode and we don't have time to care. Here's a brief list of things that 20s and some 40s probably hate, but those 30somethings know where it's at...
1. No plans on Friday or Saturday night
Or should I say no pants on Friday or Saturday night... Bonus points if you had plans but someone besides you cancelled. There is no greater joy than trying to be social but it just didn’t work out.
2. Going to the Grocery store
Aldi is my Mecca. I want to hommage every day. It is like a mini-vacation. I go up and down every aisle. I’m reading all the ingredients. I made a paper list and a phone list. Sometimes I’ll even hit up two different stores in the same day. It’s basically an adult version of Carowinds.
3. Crying children.
Dude between work and home, it’s my white noise. I could sleep peacefully to
the sound of 600 children crying.
4. Running into people when I look like a hot mess.
I used to hide behind a rack of clothes, turn the opposite direction, hide in the bathroom. These days, I barely brushed my hair, have on no makeup, baby snot on my shoulder and I’m all like, “Lori? Hey girl! How are you?” from all the way across the store. It’s fine.
5. The quiet.
No need to turn on the television or music. Just let me bask here in this quiet room. Recently, Aaron took Young on a walk around the neighborhood while I made dinner. I didn’t realize until my 35 minute timer went off that I had been cooking in complete silence the whole time. My brain needs a break, man. No more stimuli.
6. Kids on electronics
I used to judge so hard. I’ll admit it. I’d see children on YouTube or an iPad or a Cell Phone when families were out to dinner. I’d mumble those famous words, “I’ll NEVER let my child do that.” Oh, I remember the day. We were in Folly Beach just trying to enjoy a 30 minute breakfast. Young Beasley could have been staring in a remake of the Exorcist. I made my husband run- literally using his legs- half a mile back to our rental, get Young’s DVD player and bring it back to brunch. There is only one apology weighing on my heart and that is to all those Mamas when I turned up my nose. Forgive me, Father. For I know not what I do.
7. Slow Drivers
I already dropped my kid at daycare and I got nowhere to be. 30 mph in a 45 is fine. No worries, mister. Unless you failed to use your Turn Signal, then I’m real mad.
8. Temper Tantrums
I’ve carried Young Beasley out of so many public spaces horizontally, up under my arm, kicking, screaming, trying to pull my shirt off. I’m not embarrassed, YOU’RE embarrassed.
9. Someone copied your style.
There is no greater form of flattery. Seriously. You went and bought my exact top? WOW! You got bangs just because I did? Girl, stop. You painted your entire house SW SeaSalt because you loved that color in my house? I’m blushing.
10. One Piece Bathing Suits
Adrianna Lima got nothing on me, y’all. I’m going to take this here black, side-ruched swimsuit and find myself some 5” J.Crew chinos.
11. Getting up early
There is no other way. I literally need all 24 hours to get my life together. I used to hate getting up before 7 am on a weekday, 9 am on the weekend. Nowadays, it’s 5:30 Monday-Friday and 7:30 on Saturday and Sunday. #butfirstcoffee
12. Documentaries
Remember the days of Jersey Shore, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and all the Housewives? Yeah, me neither. All I want to do is watch the Rotten Series on Netflix to find out more about this honey scandal.
13. Your self-image complaints
Oh, you have wrinkles? Your skin is pale? You found some gray hairs? Suck it up, buttercup.
That’s called life.
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