I would like to begin this blog with one of my very favorite Aaron K. Beasley stories. Picture this, 2014 before we had Youngie, before we were married. Just a couple of kids living our best life. Drinking beers. Hanging out. Aaron and I decide to go brewery hoppin’ in Athens with his parents. This is also the story of time I pulled down my pants in the living room and tried to pee at the game table in front of Aaron’s whole family. I will not divulge those particular details on a social media platform, but I will gladly tell you over a margarita sometime. Back to the point of this story-which is Aaron. I learned that day that Aaron is the self-proclaimed King of Athens. Who knew? He has the low down. Knows all the hot spots. Basically a local. He is going on and on and on about all the times he spent there in college with “my boys”. Aaron is so excited to be everyone’s guide to the Athens experience that he needs to approve everyone’s outfit before we depart. “You have t...